Employment / Wrongful Termination
- Settled wrongful termination and retaliation action involving wage and hour claims and pregnancy discrimination and failure to accommodate claims.
- Settled wage and hour, and breach of contract claims action.
- Settled wrongful termination action.
- Settled wrongful termination action involving failure to accommodate disability.
- Settled a wrongful termination action involving age discrimination and PAGA claims.
- Settled employment action involving disability discrimination, harassment and retaliation.
- Settled employment dispute involving failure to pay overtime and provide meal and rest breaks.
- Settled employment action involving racial and sexual discrimination and harassment.
- Settled wrongful termination action involving PAGA claims.
- Settled wrongful termination action involving age and racial discrimination.
- Settled a wrongful termination action involving age discrimination and harassment.
- Settled wrongful termination and retaliation action involving unsafe working conditions, failure to pay for vacation and final wages.
- Handled an action involving an employment dispute with the Archdioceses including claims of breach of contract, slander, wrongful termination, and interference with economic advantage.
- Handled an employment dispute regarding slander per se, negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress at an athletic shoe store.
- Handled three related actions involving claims of negligence and invasion of privacy between employees and the employer at a real estate brokerage company.
- Employee sued prior employer and supervisors for wrongful termination, age discrimination, misrepresentation and negligence. Jury Verdict.
- Handled an action involving wrongful termination with wage and hour claims and failure to pay overtime at a taxi cab company.
- Handled an action involving a former city employee against the city for violation of public policy and labor code in his termination.
- Handled a wrongful termination from an insurance agency action.
- Handled an action involving interference and termination of an employee based upon sex with FEHA, wrongful termination and Cal. Constitution, Art. I, § 8 claims.
- Handled a wrongful termination action at a small business.
- Tried a wrongful termination action involving sexual harassment and unlawful touching of a minor employee at a sporting goods store. Additional claims included sexual battery, negligent hiring, training and retention of unfit employee, defamation and libel.
- Tried an action involving wrongful termination, lost wages and additional damages for tuition to be retrained. Court trial.
- Handled a wrongful termination action by a teacher against the School District based upon discrimination in violation of FEHA.
- Handled a wrongful termination and retaliation action against a hospital by a former nurse/administrator for voicing concerns about patient care.
- Tried a wrongful termination action involving age and race discrimination.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving a laboratory director and claims of FEHA violation for national origin, religion, disparate treatment, retaliation, and hostile work environment.
- Handled a wrongful termination action stemming from religion and national origin discrimination with failure to pay wages, overtime and failure to provide rest and meal breaks.
- Handled a wrongful termination action based upon a failure to accommodate a disability – back and knee injuries doing janitorial services with additional claims for sexual harassment, breach of contract and government code violations.
- Handled a wrongful termination action.
- Handled an action involving wrongful termination involving a failure to accommodate a disability and ack of negative comments in job performance reviews before termination.
- Handled a wrongful termination action based on age discrimination. Against an aerospace company.
- Handled a wrongful termination action against the County.
- Handled a wrongful termination action with claims for violation of FEHA including failure to pay wages, overtime and failure to provide rest and meal periods.
- Handled a wrongful termination action brought by a waitress against a restaurant for failure to pay overtime, wages due upon termination and failure to provide meal and rest periods.
- Handled a wrongful termination action against a city based upon gender discrimination by fellow officers and superiors.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving failure to pay wages, overtime, meal and rest periods, but company claimed the termination was based upon a failure to report by police of to the aerospace employer and theft of gift cards.
- Handled a wrongful termination action from a market for failure to provide meal and rest periods, unfair business practices for illegal recordkeeping, waiting time penalties and age discrimination.
- Handled a wrongful termination action against a university for sexual and verbal abuse, sexual harassment by a superior and retaliation.
- Handled a wrongful termination action against a city involving disability discrimination and failure to accommodate with additional claims for violations of the FEHA and CLRA.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation with additional claims for defamation, hostile work environment and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving disability discrimination and failure to accommodate after tumor surgery and need for additional time off.
- Handled a wrongful termination action as a medical assistant involving retaliation and harassment.
- Handled a wrongful termination action against a television network when television weather forecaster was passed over for promotion based on gender and age discrimination.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving age discrimination.
- Handled a wrongful termination of a store manager action involving age discrimination against a supermarket.
- Handled a wrongful termination action for failure t provide meal and rest periods, negligent misrepresentation and fraud.
- Handled a constructive termination action involving gender discrimination, harassment and hostile work environment.
- Handled a wrongful termination action against telecommunications company employer for failure to pay commissions for sales obtained with additional claims for unjust enrichment and declaratory relief.
- Handled a wrongful termination and fraud action of a founding member of a company and the looting of the company’s assts resulting in the company stock having no value with claims for breach of fiduciary duty, accounting, common counts.
- Handled a wrongful termination action of an order filler at a large sporting goods store with FEHA violation claims.
- Handled a wrongful termination action against telecommunications company employer for failure to pay commissions for sales obtained with additional claims for unjust enrichment and declaratory relief.
- Handled a wrongful termination action of an order filler at a large sporting goods store with FEHA violation claims.
- Handled an employment dispute involving adverse employment decisions and failures to promote in retaliation for complaints made to employer city and police department.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving retaliation for requests for time off.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving disability discrimination and failure to make a reasonable accommodation and retaliation.
- Handled a wrongful termination from a taxi company involving opposition to certain plans causing retaliation including a loss of membership in the company and removal from the board of directors.
- Handled a wrongful termination action for failure to pay overtime, wages and minimum wages due and failure to provide rest and meal breaks.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving failure to pay overtime and provide rest and meal periods.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving a Torrance residence and claims for HBOR violations.
- Handled a wrongful termination of a technical specialist in an IT Dept based upon race and age discrimination.
- Handled a wrongful termination action.
- Handled a wrongful termination action with FEHA claims.
- Handled a wrongful termination of an administrative assistant action involving retaliation for notifying of irregularities in funds and complaining about the award of scholarship money only to young men with claims for violation of FEHA.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving sexual harassment, racial discrimination and retaliation for complaining about mistreatment.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving age discrimination.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving FEHA claims for retaliation when made complaints about conduct of others at work.
- Handled a wrongful termination action of a store manager at a women’s clothing store with violation of FEHA claims for failure to pay overtime, failure to accommodate pregnancy needs and failure to provide meal and rest periods.
- Handled a wrongful termination action as a member of a private household staff involving sexual harassment, gender discrimination and retaliation for reporting the conduct and battery.
- Handled a wrongful termination action.
- Handled a wrongful termination action after pointing out inefficiencies and unsafe worksite conditions with whistleblower retaliation claim.
- Handled a copyright infringement, fraud and libel action involving comments made about infringement.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving a large sporting goods store in Riverside with claims for violations of FEHA.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving sexual harassment and gender discrimination.
- Handled a wrongful termination action with claims for violations of FEHA.
- Handled an employment action involving breach of statutory duties by city police where conversations were recorded at work without permission criticizing the police sergeant and retaliation occurred for those statements.
- Handled a sexual harassment and negligence action against a city and its police department for ongoing harassment and failure to take reasonable steps to prevent the harassment.
- Handled an unfair competition and wrongful denial of hospital privileges action against a hospital and a surgeon’s association who conspired to limit the competition in the south bay for a specialty type of surgeons by raising the surgery requirements.
- Handled an action involving a violation of an MOU and civil service rules regarding promotion examinations to the level of fire captain.
- Handled a wrongful termination action against a securities firm for hostile work environment, retaliation and defamation.
- Handled a wrongful termination action of an administrative assistant at an airline for age discrimination.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving sexual discrimination and harassment and retaliation for reporting the conduct.
- Handled a wrongful termination action with claims for FEHA violations.
- Handled a class action involving failure to provide rest and meal period, failure to pay overtime and wages upon termination.
- Handled a wrongful termination action.
- Handled a wrongful termination action against a construction company.
- Handled a wrongful termination action for failure to pay wages, overtime and provide rest and meal breaks.
- Handled a class action involving failure to pay overtime and wages upon termination and failure to provide meal and rest periods.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving disability discrimination and a failure to accommodate.
- Handled a wrongful termination action by a preschool teacher at a church involving disability discrimination and failure to accommodate.
- Handled a wrongful termination action with HBOR claims.
- Handled a wrongful termination action brought by an HR/payroll coordinator for pregnancy discrimination and hostile work environment.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving racial and disability discrimination, failure to accommodate the disability, retaliation and PAGA claims.
- Tried a wrongful termination action involving a failure to pay overtime and provide rest and meal breaks and whether the plaintiff was an exempt or nonexempt employee.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving disability discrimination and a failure to provide reasonable accommodations.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving disability discrimination and FEHA claims.
- Handled a class action involving the failure to provide meal and rest periods, and failure to pay wages upon termination.
- Handled a wrongful termination from hospital and residency program.
- Handled a class action involving a failure to pay overtime and wags due upon termination, failure to provide meal and rest period and unlawful deductions at an automobile retail sales business.
- Handled a wrongful termination action from a sports medicine clinic.
- Handled a wrongful termination action against phone company.
- Handled a wrongful termination action against a university.
- Handled a wrongful termination action for failure to pay for overtime, failure to pay wage when due, failure to provide meal and rest periods and retaliation for complaining.
- Handled a wrongful termination action against a hospital with claims for violations of FEHA and sexual harassment.
- Handled a wrongful termination action as a warehouse associate in a large furniture rental company.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving sexual harassment, retaliation for complaints, battery, sexual battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving claims for failure to pay waiting time penalties, overtime, and wages due upon termination and failure to provide meal and rest periods at a security company.
- Handled a wrongful termination and negligence action involving service of alcohol after hours to an under aged employee who is injured in an automobile accident after work, arrested and then terminated.
- Handled a class action involving failure to pay minimum wages and overtime wages, failure to pay waiting time and wage penalties, and failure to provide meal and rest break periods.
- Tried a wrongful termination action against a government contractor based upon age discrimination and retaliation for reporting recording of conversation at work and spying. JURY TRIAL
- Handled a wrongful termination action involving discrimination based upon religion with claims for FEHA violations.
- Handled a wrongful termination action form the position of fire engineer after complained to supervisors, but defense claims indicate termination due to sexual battery at a night club outside of work.
- Handled a class action involving breach of employment contract and PAGA claims.
- Handled class action involving the misclassification of employees as independent contractors resulting in a failure to pay all wages owed, failure to provide meal and rest periods failure to provide roll records and failure to provide itemized wage statements.
- Handled a class action involving an employment dispute at an Orange County hotel.
- Handled a class action for failure to pay for overtime wages, failure to pay terminated employees at a transit company.
- Handled a class action involving wage and hour claims.
- Handled a class action based upon sex-based discrimination in a price promotion for discounted greens fees at a private golf club.
- Handled a class action involving HBOR violations.
- Handled a class action involving the failure to pay overtime, minimum wages and failure to provide meal and rest breaks at an aerospace company.
- Handled a class action involving seminars targeted at distressed homeowners facing foreclosures and representations that attendees would be able to secure loan modifications and avoid foreclosure.
- Handled a class action involving PAGA claims.
- Handled a class action involving a failure to pay overtime and violation of Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200.
- Handled a class action for PAGA claims.
- Handled a class action involving a failure to pay overtime and wages, and a failure to provide rest and meal periods.
- Handled a class action involving PAGA claims.
- Handled a class action involving Labor Code violations.
- Handled a class action for wage and hour claims.
- Handled an employment dispute regarding failure to provide meal and rest periods, failure to pay overtime and waiting penalties, retaliation for demotion, discrimination based upon race and disability.
- Handled an employment action involving claims for discrimination based on sax, race and age.
- Handled an employment action against a utility company for failure to pay overtime and failure to provide rest and meal breaks.
- Handled an employment action of an order filler against a sporting goods store for discrimination based upon race, age, disability, and gender with claims of violations of FEHA – failure to provide meal and rest breaks, failure to pay overtime.
- Tried bifurcated phase one court trial on alter ego and phase two jury trial on remaining issue of breach of the employment agreement. COURT TRIAL AND JURY TRIAL
- Handled an employment action involving a city’s failure to follow internal grievance procedures before imposing discipline.
- Handled an employment dispute involving PAGA claims. Including failure to pay overtime, wages and provide itemized wage statements.
- Handled an employment action involving failure to pay overtime and failure to provide rest and meal periods.
- Handled an employment action involving retaliation, defamation, and wage and hour claims.
- Handled an employment action involving exposure to hazardous chemicals at work which resulted in asthma and other respiratory problems with claims for fraud, breach of express and implied warranty and violation of Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200.
- Handled an employment action involving retaliation, lost wages, and discrimination for reporting theft and misappropriations at work.
- Handled an employment discrimination action based upon gender, and age with constructive termination claim due to lack of possibility of advancement in company.
- Handled a wrongful termination action of an on-site property manager involving disability and age discrimination and a failure to pay all wages due.
- Handled an action against the city and police department for wrongful termination of two officers who helped other officers understand and enforce their administrative and procedural rights.
- Handled a wrongful termination and breach of a commission contract action involving negotiations with a school district which after the deal was completed the agent was fired and not paid any commission.
- Handled an employment action involving unpaid wages at a wholesale food company.
- Handled employment action involving denial of request by police officers with back injuries to use lighter weight vests with claims for violations of FEHA for failure to provide reasonable accommodation and disability discrimination.
- Handled an employment action by a case manager for failure to pay overtime and waiting time penalties and failure to provide meal and rest periods at a law firm.
- Handled an employment dispute involving a failure to pay wages and overtime and failure to provide meal and rest periods.
- Handled a negligence and retaliation action involving injuries suffered by the intentional exposure to tear gas and racial discrimination at a fire department training facility.
- Handled a sexual harassment action at work with claims of race and gender discrimination, retaliation and failure to engage in the interactive process.
- Handled a Labor Code violations action for failure to provide tools necessary to perform work a failure to reimburse for money expended to purchase required tools and PAGA claims.
- Handled an action involving FEHA violations, discrimination and a failure to accommodate at a city.